Los: 260

Ron Arad
Vier Stühle 'Tom Vac', 1997 (Entwurf)

H. 79,5 x 68,5 x 62 cm.
Arad Ron Associates, London, 1997.
Metallrohr, verchromt, Aluminiumblech.
Bez.: Faksimilesignatur, Nummern 113 - 116/500 (geritzt).

Aus der auf 500 Exemplare limitierten Edition von Ron Arad Associates; jeweils nummeriert und signiert. Dabei: Zertifikat des Herstellers und Bestätigung von Tom Vack dass die Stühle aus seinem Besitz stammen. "When I was designing the original Tom Vac Chairs in aluminium -which is now rare and hard to find- that were made in vacuum formed aluminium. It is seemed amusing to me to associate it with Tom Vack, the photographer who was working on a number of my Italian projects at the time. It entertained me when Tom told me that, after the plastic version was a great success diffused all over the world, in a small bar on the lake of Como he was asked “Were you named after the chair?” - Ron Arad

>> Literatur

Limitpreis: 8.000 €

176B - Schools of Design
03. Dezember 2024 um 17:00 MEZ


Centre Pompidou, Ron Arad, no discipline, Paris 2008, S. 106-107.