The translation of this privacy statement is provided for information only; the German original is the definitive version.

Privacy notice Responsible according to the data protection act: Quittenbaum Kunstauktionen GmbH

Theresienstrasse 60 80333 Munich Germany Tel.: +49 89 273702125 Fax: +49 89 273702122 Email: Internet:

Personally liable partner: Askan Quittenbaum

CEO authorised to represent: Askan Quittenbaum

Registry court: Amtsgericht München Registry number: HRB 172005

Donner & Reuschel AG IBAN: DE 57 2003 0300 0226 8802 00 BIC: CHDBDEHHXXX

Hypo Vereinsbank Muenchen IBAN: DE 83 7002 0270 0002 5991 20 BIC: HYVEDEMMXXX

VAT number according to §26a Value Added Tax Act: DE 221032093

Responsible for the content: Askan Quittenbaum Webdesign: corporate design solutions.

Pictures of employees by Daniel Kraus Photoworks,

This Privacy Notice (herein after referred to as ‘Notice’) gives indication of which personal information we collect, either directly or indirectly and how we use it. Personal information contains data by means of which you can be identified, or that can be linked to you. Furthermore, the notice indicates which decisions you can make in regards to the collected information and how you can control these decisions. It is valid for all websites under the control of Quittenbaum Kunstauktionen GmbH and all other interactions offline, for example for a visit at our premises or for participation in one of our events (herein after referred to as ‘Services’). Please read the notice thoroughly to learn how Quittenbaum collects your information, uses it or shares it.

Quittenbaum Kunstauktionen GmbH is known here as ‘We’, ‘Us’ or ‘Quittenbaum’.

Acquisition of general data

When you access our website, general data will be collected automatically. This information (server logfiles) contains for example which kind of web browser is used, the operating system, the domain name of your internet service provider and suchlike. These are all pieces of information that cannot be used to draw conclusions about you. These data are technically required to provide the content you requested correctly and are mandatory for using the internet. Anonymous information will be analysed from a statistical point of view, to improve our internet presence and the technique behind it.


Like many other websites, we use “Cookies”. Cookies are small text files that are downloaded from the website server onto your harddrive. As a result, we receive certain information automatically, for example, your IP address, browser and operating system on your computer and your internet connection.

Cookies cannot be used to start programmes on or transfer viruses to your computer. With the aid of the data stored in cookies we can provide you with easier navigation and ensure the correct display of our websites. On no account will we share the gathered information with third parties or create a link with personal data without your consent.

Naturally, you can view our website basically without cookies. Web browsers are routinely set to accept cookies. You can deactivate the use of cookies anytime, using your browser setting. Please use the ‘Help’ function of your web browser to learn how to change settings. Please be aware that single functions of our website might not work any longer if you deactivate cookie application.

Registration on our website

When you register to use our personalised services, some personal information will be collected, like name, address, contact and communication data, i.e. telephone number and email address. If you are registered, you can access contents and services only available for registered users. Registered users have the possibility to correct, amend, update or delete their data provided at registration. Naturally, we will provide information on your filed personal data anytime. We will be happy to correct or delete them if you wish so, unless barred by a legal duty to preserve records. To get in touch with us on that matter, please use the contact data provided at the end of this privacy notice.

SSL encryption

We use state of the art ciphering methods to ensure the safety of your information during transfer (e.g. SSL) on HTTPS.


When you register to receive our newsletter, the information provided by you will only be used for this purpose. Subscribers may be informed via email in some circumstances regarding service or registration (for example: Changes in the offer, technical facts).

For a valid registration, we need a valid email address. In order to verify that the registration was indeed made by the email address’s holder, we use the “Double-opt-in” process. To this end, we trace the subscription of the newsletter, the dispatch of a confirmation email and the receipt of the thereby requested response. Further information is not required. The data will be used exclusively for the newsletter mailing and will not be shared with a third party.

You can revoke your consent to the storage of your personal data and their use for the newsletter mailing at any time. Each newsletter has the required link attached. Moreover, you can unsubscribe directly on this website at any time or inform us by using the contact information provided at the end of this document.

Contact form

When you contact us via email or the contact form, the information you provide us with will be stored for processing your enquiry and possible follow-up questions only.

Deletion respectively blocking of data

We observe the principles of data reduction and data economy. Your personal information will be saved only as long as is required to serve the purpose respectively as long as is allowed by law. Subsequently, after the purpose is fulfilled or the term is expired, the pertinent data will be either blocked or deleted, in accordance to legal regulations.

Usage of Matomo

This website uses Matomo, an Open-Source software to statistical evaluate traffic. Matomo uses so-called “Cookies” small text files that are downloaded from the website server onto your harddrive and help analyse your use of the website. The information on your internet use created through cookies will be stored on a server in Germany. The IP address will be anonymised immediately after processing and before storage. You can choose to prevent the installation of cookies by changing the setting of your browser software. Please be aware that single functions of our website might not work any longer if you deactivate cookie application.

You can decide whether a plain analytics cookie may be downloaded to allow the website operator to gather and analyse various statistical data.

[matomo_opt_out language=en font_size=1rem font_family=inherit]

Usage of Google Maps

This website uses Google Maps API to depict geographical information visually. In using Google Maps, Google gathers, processes and uses data about the popularity of the map feature. For more information on the computing by Google please see the Google data privacy notice ( You can change your personal privacy settings in the data privacy centre.

Find a guideline to manage your own information on Google products here (

Embedded YouTube videos

Some of our websites have YouTube embedded. The operator of the corresponding plugins is YouTube, LLC, 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066 USA. If you visit a website featuring a YouTube plugin, a link with the YouTube servers will be created. Thereby YouTube is notified of which sites you have been visiting. If you are logged-in to your YouTube account, YouTube can link your surf behaviour directly to you. You can prevent that by logging out of your YouTube account beforehand.

When a YouTube video is started, the provider uses cookies to collect data of the user behaviour.

If you already deactivated the download of cookies for the Google-Ad programme, you will not have to deal with cookies when watching YouTube videos. YouTube does gather non-personal user information, though. If you wish to prevent this, you need to block the download of cookies on your browser.

Find more information on the privacy policy of YouTube at

Social plugins

On our website we offer you the possibility to use so-called ‘Social Media Buttons’. To protect your data we use the “Shariff” solution when implementing. As a result of this, these buttons are only embedded as graphics, containing a link to the button operator. By clicking on the graphics, you are redirected to the services of the respective operators. Only then your data will be forwarded to the respective operators. If you don’t click on the graphics, no communication will take place between you and the operators of the Social Media Buttons. Find information on gathering and use of your data in social networks in the respective site policies. Find more information on the Shariff solution here:

We embedded the Social Media Buttons of the following companies in our website:

Facebook Inc. (1601, S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304 USA) Twitter Inc. (795, Folsom St. Suite 600, San Francisco, CA 94107 USA) Pinterest

Your right to disclosure, correction, blockage, deletion and objection

You have the right to obtain information on all personal data we have stored about you. Likewise, you have the right to correction, blockage, or deletion of your personal data unless mandatory for business purposes. To get in touch with us on that matter, please contact our data protection official, information provided at the end of this document.

The data needs to be stored separately in a so-called lock file for supervisory purposes. You can demand to have them deleted unless legal obligations to keep the information prevent it. In that case, we will block your data on request.

You can amend or revoke your consent by notifying us with effect for the future.

Modification of our data protection regulations

We reserve the right to adjust the privacy notice from time to time, to comply with the latest legal requirements or to implement changes in our services. The new privacy notice will be in effect when you visit the site again.

Questions to the data protection official

If you have any questions regarding data security, please send an email or contact our data protection official directly:

Quittenbaum Kunstauktionen GmbH Askan Quittenbaum Theresienstrasse 60 8033 Munich Germany Tel.: +49 89 273702125 Fax: +49 89 273702122 Email: Internet:

Data handling according to DS-GVO

Quittenbaum Kunstauktionen GmbH guarantees compliance with the German laws governing data protection and data security BDSG and DS-GVO. To this end, the employees of Quittenbaum have been committed to the data secrecy by writing, in accordance with §5 sentence 2 BDSG (respectively §53 BDSG-neu). As far as Quittenbaum processes personal information to realise a project, Quittenbaum will be acting on behalf of the client in accordance to §11 BDSG / Art. 28 DS-GVO. Quittenbaum will use the personal data only as part of an agreement with or other written instruction by the client and in accordance with the data protection and data security terms.

Moreover, Quittenbaum guarantees that all information will be kept secret indefinitely. This applies not only to the internal methods and procedures but also to all information that is labelled confidential or can be identified as company or business secret. As far as the projects do not require it, no records or messages will be imparted to third parties.

We may convey personal data with third parties in exceptional cases. But only, if

explicit consent has been given by the party concerned, the processing of contracts with the party concerned requires it,
the processing of data is required to meet legal obligations, the processing of data is required to meet legitimate interest and there is no basis for the assumption that the party concerned has a substantial interest not to have their data disclosed.

We observe the principles of data reduction and data economy in accordance to Art. 5 DS-GVO, i.e. personal information will be saved only as long as allowed by law, respectively required to provide the services. Subsequently, the personal data will be blocked respectively deleted.

Quittenbaum undertakes the security measures decreed by Art. 32 DS-GVO and §9 BDSG to protect the data stored in their systems from unauthorised access, misappropriation and deletion. This encompasses organisational and technical measures, to restrict access to personal data to employees of Quittenbaum only (access control). Likewise, the physical access to information technology systems containing personal information is controlled and protected (entry control). Quittenbaum’s servers are located in Germany.

We reserve the right to adjust the privacy notice, for example to comply with the latest legal requirements.

If you have any questions regarding data security, please contact