We come to you

Several times a year, our experts are on the road in Germany, Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands and Italy. Meet us at our expert consultations in selected hotels or make an appointment for us to visit you – scroll down for the schedule.

We appraise your works of art free of charge and without obligation. If desired, we will accept objects directly or arrange for their collection.

Please contact us as early as possible at + 49 (0)89 – 27 37 02 10 or send an e-mail to:  info@quittenbaum.de.

Wiesbaden – Expert Consultation

Wednesday 17 July 2024 / 9:30 – 10:30 a.m.

Expert: Askan Quittenbaum

Hotel Oranien, Platter Straße 2, 65193 Wiesbaden