1 |
Small 'Masks' vase, 1914 Small 'Masks' vase, 1914 |
2,700 € |
3 |
'Hydrangeas' pendant, 1921 'Hydrangeas' pendant, 1921 |
500 € |
6 |
'Feuillages modernes et fleurs' vase, 1925 'Feuillages modernes et fleurs' vase, 1925 |
4,000 € |
13 |
'Lys' vase, 1896-1900 |
3,600 € |
14 |
'Echoes of Hellas', c1897 |
3,000 € |
15 |
'Courgettes' Marqueterie vase, 1904-05 |
4,800 € |
16 |
Vase, c1900 |
3,000 € |
17 |
'Chrysanthèmes' vase, 1893 |
1,200 € |
19 |
Small 'Trèfle' jug, 1895 |
3,200 € |
20 |
Small 'Trèfles' jug, 1895 |
1,900 € |
23 |
'Vigne vierge et araignée' Martelé vase, 1896-99 |
3,700 € |
24 |
Henri Bergé 'Algues et poissons' vase, 1898 |
14,000 € |
25 |
Miniature 'Delft' vase, 1899 |
850 € |
28 |
'Anemones' Martelé vase, 1899 |
2,900 € |
30 |
'Cocquelicot' box and cover, 1900 |
1,900 € |
31 |
'Cocquelicot' vase, 1900 |
2,200 € |
32 |
Floral 'Iris' table light, c1900 |
2,100 € |
33 |
'Eschscholzia' vase, c1900 |
3,400 € |
35 |
Large 'Tournesols' bowl, c1900 |
2,000 € |
37 |
'Bleuets' box and cover, 1901 |
1,700 € |
38 |
Small 'Bleuets' mug, c1905 |
1,100 € |
40 |
Tall 'Iris, Grenouille et Corbeau' vase, 1901 |
8,500 € |
43 |
'Jacinthes' soliflor, 1903-04 |
1,800 € |
46 |
'Pervenche' goblet, 1905-10 |
2,000 € |
47 |
'Paysage d'Automne' vase, 1905-10 |
1,600 € |
49 |
'Orchidées' vase, c1905 |
1,300 € |
50 |
'Paysage nocturne' vase, c1905 |
1,800 € |
51 |
'Liserons' vase, c1905 |
1,400 € |
52 |
'Papillons' bowl, c1905 |
2,600 € |
53 |
'Paysage lacustre' vase, c1905 |
1,300 € |
58 |
Table light, c1910 |
3,300 € |
59 |
Henri Bergé Tall 'Campanules' Intercalaire vase, 1910 |
21,000 € |
61 |
'Epine vinette' vase, 1910 |
4,000 € |
62 |
'Narcisses' vase, 1910 |
5,000 € |
63 |
Footed 'Narcisses' bowl, 1910 |
3,200 € |
67 |
'Cornouiller' mug, c1910 |
500 € |
69 |
'Cornouiller' vase, c1910 |
900 € |
70 |
'Hêtre roux' vase, 1910 |
1,800 € |
72 |
Footed 'Fleurs de Pommier' bowl, c1910 |
2,200 € |
74 |
'Ronces d'automne' vase, 1910-15 |
1,600 € |
76 |
'Voiliers, soleil couchant' berluze, c1910 |
1,200 € |
78 |
'Je meurs où je m'attache' bowl, c1910 |
600 € |
79 |
'Paysage lacustre' table light, c1910 |
6,000 € |
80 |
Erotica, c1910 |
5,200 € |
85 |
'Oliviers' vase, c1910 |
3,500 € |
88 |
Tall 'Violettes' vase, c1910 Tall 'Violettes' vase, c1910 |
20,000 € |
89 |
'Voiliers, soleil couchant' vase, c1910 |
1,500 € |
90 |
'Ancolies' vase, c1910 |
1,000 € |
91 |
Tall 'Aulne' vase, c1910 |
1,800 € |
92 |
Tall 'Cattleya labiata' vase, c1910 |
5,000 € |
93 |
'Paysage, coucher de soleil' vase, 1911-13 |
1,400 € |
95 |
'Plaqueminier du Japon' or 'Kaki' vase, 1912 |
1,000 € |
97 |
Tall 'Freesias jaunes' soliflor, 1913 |
4,800 € |
98 |
'Eucalyptus' table light, 1913 |
1,500 € |
99 |
Tall berluze, 1910-15 |
400 € |
100 |
Vide poches, 1915-20 |
340 € |
101 |
'Vigne, soleil couchant' vase, c1915 |
1,700 € |
103 |
Table light, c1920 |
1,200 € |
104 |
'Waterlily' table light, 1920s |
2,200 € |
105 |
'Verre de Jade' vase with iron mounting by Louis Majorelle, 1920s |
1,200 € |
106 |
Tall 'Verre de Jade' vase with iron mounting by Louis Majorelle, 1920s |
1,600 € |
108 |
Table light, c1925 |
3,600 € |
111 |
Table light, c1925 |
700 € |
112 |
Table light, c1925 |
700 € |
115 |
Bowl, c1922 |
1,700 € |
116 |
Village, 1939 |
550 € |
118 |
Ceiling light, c1925 |
400 € |
125 |
Japanesque vase with handles, c1889 |
7,000 € |
128 |
'Cardères sauvage' vase, 1890 |
3,300 € |
129 |
'Dahlias' tray, 1890-94 |
2,000 € |
130 |
'Dahlias' vase, 1890-94 |
5,000 € |
132 |
'Sabot de Vénus et coprins' vase, 1892 |
5,000 € |
133 |
'Sabot de Vénus et coprins' vase, 1892 |
3,000 € |
134 |
'Tournesol' carafe, 1894 |
2,000 € |
136 |
'Anémones' vase, 1895-1900 |
3,200 € |
139 |
Tall 'Lys tigré' vase, 1900-04 |
7,000 € |
140 |
'Iris' vase, c1898 |
1,200 € |
143 |
'Fuchsias' vase, 1902-03 |
1,700 € |
144 |
'Glycines' vase, 1902-03 |
800 € |
146 |
'Clématites' vase, 1902-03 |
800 € |
147 |
'Hortensias' vase, 1902-03 |
950 € |
148 |
'Glycines' vase, 1902-03 |
700 € |
149 |
'Erable à feuilles de frêne' vase with handles, 1904-06 |
550 € |
151 |
'Sorbier' vase, 1902-03 |
450 € |
153 |
'Ombelles' vase, 1902-03 |
750 € |
157 |
Tall 'Glycines' vase, 1904-06 |
1,800 € |
158 |
'Primevères roses' Intercalaire vase, c1902 |
14,000 € |
159 |
'Groseilles' vase, 1904-06 |
850 € |
160 |
'Orchidées' vase, 1906-10 |
400 € |
161 |
'Vigne à l'automne' vase, 1906-14 |
400 € |
163 |
Tall 'Les Baies de l'églantier' soliflor, 1906-14 |
1,300 € |
164 |
'Géraniums' vase, 1906-14 |
1,800 € |
169 |
'Clématites' vase, 1906-14 |
750 € |
173 |
'Olivier' vase, 1906-14 |
680 € |
174 |
Small 'Liserons' vase, 1906-14 |
600 € |
176 |
'Epine vinette' soliflor, 1906-14 |
1,000 € |
179 |
'Cérisiers' vase, c1910 |
800 € |
189 |
'Fraises' goblet, 1920s |
700 € |
191 |
Tall 'Magnolias' vase, 1920s |
4,400 € |
193 |
Vase, 1920s |
16,000 € |
194 |
Vase, 1920s |
4,200 € |
196 |
Vase, c1885 |
850 € |
201 |
'Chardons' vase, 1922 |
600 € |
202 |
'Satyre' carafe, 1923 |
800 € |
206 |
'Bacchantes' vase, 1927 |
5,000 € |
209 |
'Mont-Dore' bowl, 1928 |
500 € |
210 |
'D'Heraud' flacon, 1928 |
500 € |
212 |
René Lalique, Wingen-sur-Moder Two flacons 'Sans Adieu', 1929 and 'Imprudence', 1938 for Worth |
800 € |
214 |
Four 'Dampierre' champagne glasses, 1931 |
260 € |
217 |
'Saint-Émilion' vase, 1942 |
2,200 € |
218 |
'Biches' vase, 1932 |
500 € |
220 |
Two vases, c1880 |
600 € |
221 |
'Lamartine' vase 'Paysage', c1910 |
500 € |
223 |
'Paysage lacustre' vase, 1915-20 |
200 € |
224 |
'Fleurs de Pommier' vase, 1915-20 |
1,000 € |
225 |
'Houx' vase, 1920s |
100 € |
231 |
'Paysage' vase, c1925 |
500 € |
232 |
'Paysage et Oiseaux' vase, c1925 |
920 € |
233 |
'Magnolias' vase, c1925 |
1,600 € |
235 |
'Anémones' vase, c1900 |
550 € |
236 |
'Paysage' vase, c1910 |
1,800 € |
242 |
'Birds' ceiling light, c1930 |
1,200 € |
243 |
'Mûriers verts' vase, 1918-20 |
1,900 € |
252 |
'Emeraude' vase, 1924-25 |
900 € |
253 |
'Cardamines' vase, 1924-27 |
1,500 € |
254 |
Tall 'Orchidées' vase, 1924-27 |
3,600 € |
255 |
Table light, c1925 |
1,400 € |
256 |
Ceiling light, c1925 |
2,600 € |
260 |
'A Côtes' vase, 1927-29 |
300 € |
261 |
Vase, 1928-30 |
1,900 € |
262 |
'Cordée' vase, 1928-30 |
500 € |
265 |
Table light with a base by C. Ranc, c1925 |
900 € |
266 |
Table light, c1935 |
500 € |
270 |
'Orchidées' vase, c1900 |
1,200 € |
271 |
'Ducks' bowl, c1930 |
350 € |
272 |
'Waterlilies' bowl, c1930 |
380 € |
273 |
'Capricorne' bowl, 1920-25 |
1,600 € |
274 |
'Algues' vide poches, c1920 |
1,400 € |
276 |
Small bowl, c1920 |
700 € |
277 |
'Papillon de Nuit' bowl, c1920 |
1,800 € |
278 |
'Groseilles' bowl, c1920 |
2,200 € |
280 |
'Fish' paperweight, 1920s |
700 € |
282 |
'Écrevisse' paperweight, c1925 |
1,700 € |
284 |
Small mug, c1925 |
800 € |
288 |
Vase, c1925 |
2,300 € |
290 |
'Ave Maria', c1925 |
600 € |
292 |
Vase with enamelled foot, 1920s |
2,500 € |
294 |
Lidded goblet, c1925 |
350 € |
296 |
Vase, c1895-1900 |
900 € |
297 |
Three water tumblers from the 'Wertheim' set, 1902 |
2,300 € |
298 |
Vase, 1901-03 |
600 € |
299 |
Vase, 1908 |
2,600 € |
300 |
Small vase, c1908 |
2,000 € |
301 |
Tall 'Myra' vase, c1925 |
400 € |
303 |
'Phänomen' vase, 1898 |
600 € |
304 |
'Phänomen' vase, 1899 |
2,200 € |
305 |
'Phänomen' vase, model for the Summer Exhibition of the Bavarian Arts and Crafts Society, 1899 |
7,000 € |
306 |
'Phänomen' vase with sunset, model for the Paris World Fair 1900 'Phänomen' vase with sunset, model for the Paris World Fair 1900 |
22,000 € |
307 |
'Tricolor' vase, 1900 |
2,200 € |
308 |
'Phänomen' vase, 1900 |
3,800 € |
309 |
'Phänomen' vase, model for the Paris World Fair 1900 'Phänomen' vase, model for the Paris World Fair 1900 |
26,000 € |
310 |
'Phänomen' vase, 1900 |
3,000 € |
311 |
'Phänomen' vase, model for the Paris World Fair, 1900 |
18,000 € |
312 |
'Papillon' vase, 1900 |
500 € |
314 |
'Phänomen' vase with Spaun signet, 1900 |
2,000 € |
315 |
'Phänomen' vase, 1900 |
1,000 € |
317 |
'Phänomen' vase, 1900 |
2,500 € |
318 |
'Phänomen' vase, model for the Paris World Fair 1900 |
4,000 € |
322 |
'Papillon' vase, 1900 |
400 € |
323 |
'Phänomen' vase, 1900 |
14,000 € |
324 |
'Phänomen' vase, 1900-01 |
5,000 € |
326 |
'Phänomen' vase, 1901 |
2,500 € |
327 |
'Phänomen' vase, 1901 |
9,500 € |
328 |
'Phänomen' vase, 1901 |
4,800 € |
329 |
Small 'Phänomen' vase, 1901 |
3,200 € |
330 |
'Phänomen' vase with hearts, 1902 |
16,000 € |
331 |
'Phänomen' vase, 1902 |
4,800 € |
332 |
'Cytisus' vase with four handles, 1902 |
4,100 € |
333 |
'Phänomen' vase, 1902 |
8,500 € |
334 |
'Phänomen' vase, 1902 |
3,000 € |
335 |
Small 'Hearts' vase, 1902 |
5,000 € |
336 |
'Phänomen' vase, 1902 |
2,800 € |
337 |
'Cytisus' vase, 1902 |
3,600 € |
339 |
'Argus' vase, 1902 |
2,000 € |
341 |
'Phänomen' vase, c1902 |
2,400 € |
342 |
'Birds of Paradise' vase, 1909 'Birds of Paradise' vase, 1909 |
29,000 € |
344 |
'Vulkan' vase, 1902 |
800 € |
346 |
'Phänomen' vase with silver-overlay, 1898 |
1,400 € |
347 |
'Phänomen' vase, 1898 |
500 € |
348 |
'Papillon' vase, 1898 |
600 € |
350 |
'Phänomen' vase, 1899 |
800 € |
351 |
'Phänomen' vase, 1900 |
1,200 € |
356 |
'Papillon' vase, c1900 |
850 € |
360 |
Hatpin, c1900 |
360 € |
361 |
'Papillon' vase with silver-overlay, c1900 |
500 € |
362 |
'Phänomen' vase, 1901 |
5,000 € |
368 |
Decorative vase, 1902 |
1,600 € |
369 |
'Phänomen' vase, c1902 |
10,000 € |
370 |
Vase, 1905 |
14,000 € |
371 |
Vase with gilded pewter mounting, 1903 |
2,600 € |
372 |
'Titania' vase, c1905-07 |
900 € |
373 |
'Flamarion' vase, 1907 |
700 € |
374 |
Vase, 1914 |
800 € |
375 |
Vase, 1914 |
320 € |
380 |
'Meteor' jug, c1900 |
500 € |
382 |
Vase with silver-overlay, c1900 |
300 € |
385 |
Ashtray, c1900 |
400 € |
386 |
Two 'Meteor' wine glasses, 1900 |
600 € |
389 |
'Ingrid' perfume spray, 1920s |
350 € |
390 |
'Ingrid' flacon, 1920s |
350 € |
391 |
'Ingrid' lidded box, 1920s |
450 € |
392 |
Footed bowl, c1915 |
300 € |
393 |
Flacon, c1915 |
250 € |
394 |
Torero, c1925 |
1,400 € |
396 |
'Pied Piper of Hamelin', c1890 |
1,500 € |
399 |
'Icarus', 1895 |
6,200 € |
402 |
Gladiator, c1920 |
1,000 € |
405 |
Mantle clock, c1930 |
800 € |
410 |
Dancer, c1920 |
400 € |
414 |
Panther, c1928 |
500 € |
415 |
Pair of bookends 'Pierrot' and 'Columbine', c1925 |
1,700 € |
416 |
Dancer, 1920s |
700 € |
418 |
Head of a Native American, 1950s |
1,100 € |
419 |
'Hunt', 1950s |
1,800 € |
420 |
Sitting African woman, 1950s |
700 € |
424 |
Page, c1925 |
1,700 € |
425 |
'Burst Chains', c1900 |
1,200 € |
426 |
Figurative table light, c1905 |
600 € |
427 |
Crucifix, c1935 |
850 € |
428 |
'Parachutist' table light, 1920s |
7,000 € |
429 |
Figurative table light, 1920s |
1,200 € |
433 |
Dancer, 1920s |
1,350 € |
441 |
Dog, 1920s |
450 € |
446 |
Bird sitting on a branch, 1920s |
500 € |
447 |
Pair of figures, 'Lover' and 'Marie', c1925 |
2,400 € |
454 |
'Le Réveil', 1920s |
2,100 € |
455 |
'Le Réveil', 1920s |
2,000 € |
457 |
'Josephine Baker', c1930 |
1,400 € |
458 |
Snake dancer, past 1924 |
8,000 € |
459 |
Dancer, 1920s |
1,500 € |
460 |
Gymnast, c1920 |
14,000 € |
462 |
Discus thrower, 1920s |
11,000 € |
464 |
Stationery, 1920s |
4,500 € |
465 |
Frog King, 1920s |
1,800 € |
467 |
Javelin thrower, 1930s |
500 € |
468 |
Pierrot with guitar, c1920 |
350 € |
471 |
Dancer with ball, c1910 |
1,000 € |
472 |
'Cranes', c1960 |
600 € |
473 |
'Brocken Witch', 1919 |
1,800 € |
477 |
'Porteuse de fleurs' medal, 1926 |
450 € |
481 |
Boy playing the flute, c1910 |
3,800 € |
482 |
'Moé', c1900 |
450 € |
488 |
Dancer, c1920 |
750 € |
490 |
Dandy, c1920 |
500 € |
493 |
Erotica, c1920 |
2,000 € |
494 |
Slave Trader, c1920 |
2,000 € |
495 |
Dancer, 1920s |
800 € |
496 |
Dancer, 1920s |
4,000 € |
498 |
Erotica, case, 1920s |
1,500 € |
500 |
Allegory of Time, c1928 |
1,800 € |
501 |
Walking man, c1930 |
1,200 € |
502 |
'Le Rapt', 1933 |
4,000 € |
503 |
Erotica 'Lady', 1920s |
1,800 € |
504 |
Cork stopper, c1904 |
400 € |
505 |
Ashtray with matchbox holder, c1905 |
800 € |
506 |
Flower basket, 1909 |
15,000 € |
507 |
Dish, c1909 |
4,000 € |
508 |
Vase, c1909 |
8,000 € |
509 |
Table light, c1910 |
16,000 € |
510 |
'Owl' table bell, c1905 |
380 € |
512 |
'Congratulations' table bell, c1905 |
300 € |
518 |
'Sparrows' table bell, c1910 |
300 € |
523 |
'Girl on Swings' table bell, c1905 |
300 € |
524 |
Flatware, 154 pieces, c1930 |
5,800 € |
526 |
Flowerpot, c1900 |
750 € |
527 |
Six Cocktail picks, app. 1859/60 |
340 € |
528 |
Compact, c1930 |
300 € |
529 |
Candelabrum, 1930s Candelabrum, 1930s |
2,600 € |
531 |
Two 'Tristan and Iseult' serving spoons, 1903 |
300 € |
534 |
Case, c1925 |
600 € |
535 |
Cake server and sugar tongs, c1930 |
270 € |
536 |
Small vase, c1900 |
360 € |
543 |
Pill box, 1901-02 |
1,800 € |
547 |
Cigarette case, c1930 |
450 € |
552 |
Tiny 'Eszeha' travel clock, c1928 |
1,000 € |
555 |
'Dragonfly' pendant, c1905 |
750 € |
557 |
'Girl' pendant, c1925 |
250 € |
560 |
Brooch, 1902-05 |
270 € |
567 |
'Roses' vase, c1920 |
600 € |
571 |
Enamel painting 'Athena', 1896 |
3,000 € |
572 |
'Cherry' paper knife, c1900 |
360 € |
573 |
'Carnation' paper knife, c1900 |
250 € |
574 |
'Crane' paper knife, c1900 |
450 € |
575 |
Paper knife, c1900 |
450 € |
576 |
Paper knife, c1900 |
350 € |
577 |
'Eagle' paper knife, c1900 |
320 € |
578 |
'Blackberry' paper knife, c1905 |
240 € |
579 |
'Girl' paper knife, c1900 |
950 € |
580 |
'Owl' paper knife, c1900 |
420 € |
581 |
Paper knife with capricorn beetle and honesties, c1910 |
200 € |
582 |
'Ilex' paper knife, c1910 |
260 € |
588 |
'Normandie' bowl, c1933 |
700 € |
590 |
'Mermaid' inkwell, c1910 |
600 € |
592 |
Tea set, 1903 |
4,400 € |
594 |
Two pairs of curtain retainers, c1899 |
300 € |
595 |
Pair of sconces, c1900 |
3,600 € |
600 |
'Dancer' table light, c1930 |
2,400 € |
605 |
Hand mirror, c1902 |
750 € |
606 |
Biscuit box, 1910-11 |
350 € |
607 |
Candelabrum for the Paris World Fair 1900 |
2,500 € |
608 |
Six Champagne glasses, c1900/1904 |
7,000 € |
609 |
Floor light, c1930 |
700 € |
610 |
Pot, c1935 |
250 € |
612 |
Creamer set on tray, c1935 |
350 € |
613 |
Photo frame, c1900 |
600 € |
615 |
Candlestick, 1901 |
900 € |
616 |
Visiting card tray, 1898 |
10,500 € |
617 |
'Crab' dish, c1906 |
6,500 € |
618 |
'Spidercrab' bowl, c1906 |
3,400 € |
619 |
Floor light, 1929 |
4,200 € |
621 |
Dresser, c1900 |
1,000 € |
624 |
Couch, c1920 |
400 € |
625 |
Flower table, c1905 |
1,600 € |
626 |
Mantle clock, c1925 |
1,800 € |
628 |
Side table on wheels, c1935 |
500 € |
629 |
'Pavots' tray, 1900 |
1,600 € |
633 |
Huge bed and two bedside tables, 1900 |
18,000 € |
634 |
Huge wardrobe, 1900 |
15,000 € |
636 |
Armchair, c1905 |
300 € |
637 |
Wickerchair, 1906 |
1,300 € |
638 |
Lacquer panel, c1928 |
3,000 € |
639 |
Café table, c1905 |
1,200 € |
640 |
Armchair, c1900 |
700 € |
642 |
'L'Automne' from the 'Four Seasons', 1896 |
11,000 € |
647 |
'Jazz Band', 1942 |
2,400 € |
648 |
'Tropon' from 'L'Art Décoratif No. 1', 1897 |
500 € |
653 |
Decorative plate 'Rousseau', 1867 |
500 € |
659 |
Tall vase, 1900-06 |
1,100 € |
661 |
'Vase de Chalmont', c1900 |
250 € |
665 |
Tile, 1936 |
800 € |
666 |
Tile, 1936 |
800 € |
667 |
Tile, c1936 |
800 € |
669 |
'Graine' vase, 1906 |
1,500 € |
678 |
'Summer Blossoms' vase, c1900 |
1,650 € |
683 |
Vase with silver mounting, 1905-09 |
1,500 € |
690 |
'Snake Wrangler', c1908 |
1,200 € |
691 |
'Jade' vase, c1892 |
1,000 € |
692 |
'Poison Apple' vase, 1894 |
700 € |
695 |
'Melanzana Prosperosa' bowl, 1895 |
1,500 € |
697 |
Pair of vases, 1897 |
2,000 € |
700 |
Bowl, c1910 |
1,000 € |
701 |
Mother and Child, 1920s |
750 € |
713 |
Vase, c1889 |
2,300 € |
714 |
Owl, c1889 |
5,900 € |
715 |
Cachepot, 1920s |
200 € |
716 |
Vase, 1876-81 |
800 € |
717 |
Very large vase, 1876-82 |
3,500 € |
719 |
Vase, 1886-87 |
1,320 € |
725 |
Vase, c1900 |
1,000 € |
726 |
Gourd-shaped vase, c1900 |
2,000 € |
728 |
'Spider and Victims' vase, c1900 |
400 € |
730 |
Tall vase, c1895 |
5,000 € |
742 |
Charger, c1925 |
1,500 € |
751 |
Vase, c1925 |
3,000 € |
753 |
Pseudo vase, c1900 |
400 € |
757 |
Vase, 1892-95 |
1,500 € |
761 |
'Dragonfly' vase, 1900 |
500 € |
762 |
Vase, c1900 |
500 € |
769 |
Bowl with handles, 1912-14 |
800 € |
773 |
Gourd-shaped vase, c1904 |
1,200 € |
778 |
'Le Vin' mask, 1904-05 |
1,500 € |
779 |
'Zélandaise' mask, 1897-98 |
1,200 € |
791 |
Vase, c1908 |
1,000 € |
792 |
Large decorative charger, 1912 |
1,500 € |
800 |
Jug, 1900 |
2,500 € |
801 |
'Danseuse au Cothurne' from 'Jeu de l'Echarpe', 1898 for the Paris World Fair 1900 |
2,400 € |
803 |
'Pristina' vase, 1905 |
350 € |
804 |
Vase, 1907 |
550 € |
806 |
'Distant Horizon' vase, 1910 |
750 € |
807 |
Vase, 1922 |
1,300 € |
809 |
Large decorative charger, 1927 |
1,600 € |
810 |
Small bowl, 1932-40 |
1,100 € |
814 |
Hanging basket, c1930 |
1,500 € |
819 |
Decorative plate, 1902 |
480 € |
823 |
Rectangular 'Whiplash' serving platter, 1903-04 |
4,400 € |
824 |
Oval 'Whiplash' serving platter, 1903-04 |
5,200 € |
825 |
'Whiplash' dish with cover, 1903-04 'Whiplash' dish with cover, 1903-04 |
34,000 € |
826 |
Eight 'Whiplash' biscuit plates, 1903-04 |
9,000 € |
827 |
Six 'Whiplash' dessert plates, 1903-04 |
7,500 € |
828 |
'Whiplash' sauceboat, 1903-04 |
19,000 € |
829 |
'Whiplash' sauceboat, 1903-04 'Whiplash' sauceboat, 1903-04 |
22,000 € |
830 |
Two oval 'Whiplash' serving platters, 1903-04 |
12,000 € |
831 |
Two oval 'Whiplash' serving platters, 1903-04 |
11,000 € |
832 |
Two 'Whiplash' serving platters, 1903-04 |
9,000 € |
833 |
'Whiplash' serving dish, 1903-04 |
7,000 € |
834 |
Eight 'Whiplash' dining plates, 1903-04 |
12,000 € |
835 |
Eight 'Whiplash' dining plates, 1903-04 |
12,000 € |
836 |
Eight 'Whiplash' soup plates and four dining plates, 1903-04 |
17,000 € |
837 |
'Terror', 1911 |
2,400 € |
839 |
Cat, 1920s |
150 € |
840 |
'Spring', 1911 |
1,400 € |
842 |
'Pallas Athene with Horns of Plenty' mantle clock, 1920s |
500 € |
844 |
Seal, 1920s |
150 € |
845 |
Faun, 1926-27 |
180 € |
846 |
'Leapfrog', 1929-34 |
460 € |
849 |
Kodiak bear, 1905-10 |
600 € |
850 |
'Little Bacchant', 1910 |
280 € |
851 |
'Latin', 1910 |
280 € |
852 |
'Haute École', 1910 |
200 € |
853 |
'Hairy Story', 1910 |
240 € |
854 |
'Jolly Ride', 1910 |
1,500 € |
855 |
'Envy', 1910 |
150 € |
856 |
'Philosophical Dispute', 1911 |
300 € |
857 |
'Terror', 1911 |
3,000 € |
858 |
'Faun with Butterfly ('In Love')', 1911. |
240 € |
859 |
'Storming bacchants', 1912 |
300 € |
860 |
'Temple Consecration', 1912 |
3,000 € |
861 |
'Sleeping Fauns', 1912 |
500 € |
865 |
'Faun and Nymphs', 1901/1913 |
500 € |
866 |
'Faun with crocodile', 1914 |
600 € |
868 |
'Glide', 1914 |
150 € |
869 |
'Faun with Grapes' inkwell, c1914 |
750 € |
871 |
'Snake Charmer', 1916 |
350 € |
872 |
'Badinage', 1918 |
280 € |
873 |
'Turtle post', 1918 |
220 € |
875 |
'Amor with roses', 1919 |
300 € |
877 |
'Ashtray with Turk', 1923 |
330 € |
879 |
'Apotheosis', 1926 |
900 € |
883 |
Kitten, c1930 |
150 € |
885 |
Bather, 1932 |
500 € |
886 |
Young violin player, c1940 |
450 € |
887 |
'Snail Rider', 1929 |
210 € |
888 |
Elderly Lady, c1910 |
1,400 € |
896 |
'Reliefed twigs' vase, c1903 |
800 € |
899 |
'Foliage' vase, 1913 |
800 € |
900 |
Vase, 1904 |
800 € |
901 |
Jug, 1903 |
600 € |
906 |
Decorative plate, 1906 |
700 € |
917 |
Sparrow, 1907 |
150 € |
919 |
Ring of sparrows, 1907 |
1,100 € |
921 |
Crinoline, c1910 |
730 € |
922 |
'Flower Amor', c1910 |
600 € |
923 |
Vase, 1927 |
1,200 € |
924 |
'Lions' centrepiece, 1906-18 |
1,100 € |
925 |
'Imam', past 1920 |
700 € |
927 |
Decorative 'Vulture' charger, c1925 |
1,300 € |
929 |
'Kingfishers' bowl, c1933 |
800 € |
930 |
Vase, 1920s |
400 € |
932 |
Tall vase with handles, 1901-03 |
900 € |
933 |
'Carp' vase, c1895 |
500 € |
935 |
Vase with handles, 1909/10 |
1,300 € |
936 |
'Swans' vase, c1902 |
1,200 € |
937 |
'Panther' vase with handles, 1901 |
800 € |
945 |
'Neptune', c1900 |
300 € |
948 |
Monkey and insect, c1900 |
120 € |
949 |
Vase, c1915 |
500 € |