160 |
Gabriel Argy-Rousseau 'Araignée et Ronces' vase, 1920 |
7,800 € |
162 |
Gabriel Argy-Rousseau 'Papyrus' pendant, 1924 |
800 € |
164 |
Gabriel Argy-Rousseau Lidded Jar, 1924 |
1,500 € |
165 |
Gabriel Argy-Rousseau, Paris 'Feuillages modernes et fleurs' vase, 1925 |
5,500 € |
168 |
Gabriel Argy-Rousseau 'Volutes et losanges' vase, 1927 |
10,000 € |
171 |
'Orchidées' vase, 1895-1903 |
3,600 € |
172 |
'Echoes of Hellas' jug, 1895-98 |
4,000 € |
173 |
Goblet, 1903-06 |
950 € |
174 |
'Cassis' goblet, 1902-05 |
2,200 € |
175 |
Volubilis' bowl with silver mounting, 1885-90 |
300 € |
176 |
'Cyclamens' vase with handles, 1885-95 |
500 € |
177 |
'Je meurs où je m'attache' vase, c1885 |
2,000 € |
179 |
Liquor set, 1891 |
350 € |
181 |
'Chardons' bowl, c1892 |
400 € |
182 |
'Iris et papillon' vase, 1893 |
1,300 € |
184 |
'Pissenlits' flacon, 1895-98 |
1,100 € |
185 |
'Chardons' smelling salt flacon, 1895-98 |
850 € |
186 |
'Iris' vase, c1895 |
1,200 € |
187 |
'Chardons' vase, c1895 |
500 € |
188 |
'Croix de Lorraine' vase, c1895 |
600 € |
189 |
'Chardons' vase, c1895 |
1,000 € |
190 |
'La Nuit' jar, 1897 |
650 € |
191 |
'Chrysanthèmes' vase, 1897 |
1,200 € |
193 |
'Trèfles, escargots, insectes' vase with handle, c1897 |
4,000 € |
194 |
'La Nuit' vase, 1898-1900 |
2,800 € |
195 |
Martelé vase 'Muguet', silver-mounting by G.A. Scheid, Vienna, 1899 |
2,700 € |
196 |
Two 'Delft' condiment bowls, 1899 |
550 € |
197 |
'Delft' flacon, 1899 |
900 € |
199 |
'Delft' vase, 1899 |
1,100 € |
201 |
'Pingouins' flacon, c1900 |
4,600 € |
202 |
'Foudre de Fruhinholz' tumbler, c1900 |
850 € |
203 |
'Magnolias' vase, 1900-05 |
2,800 € |
204 |
'Iris' flacon, c1900 |
4,400 € |
207 |
'Tulipes' vase with handle, c1900 |
2,000 € |
210 |
'Violettes' vase, 1885-95 |
300 € |
213 |
'Arbres en été' vase, 1903-05 |
1,900 € |
214 |
'Arbres en été' jar, 1903-05 |
3,600 € |
215 |
'Mûres' vase, 1904 |
6,800 € |
217 |
'Venise' vase, 1905 |
5,500 € |
220 |
'Danae' vase, 1905-10 |
4,500 € |
222 |
'Fuchsias' vase, 1905-10 |
2,000 € |
223 |
'Orchidées' vase, 1905-10 |
1,200 € |
228 |
'Pommier en fleurs' vase, c1905 |
1,300 € |
230 |
'Bois gentil' vase, 1906 |
1,300 € |
231 |
'Crépuscule neige' or 'Paysage en hiver' vase, c1906 |
2,000 € |
233 |
'Crépuscule neige' or 'Arbres en hiver' vase, c1905 |
1,800 € |
234 |
'Crépuscule neige' or 'Arbres en hiver' vase, c1906 |
2,600 € |
235 |
'Paysage mauve' salt cellar, 1907 |
400 € |
236 |
Small 'Messidor' tumbler, 1908 |
800 € |
238 |
'Montbretias' vase, 1910 |
700 € |
240 |
'Narcisses' goblet, 1910 |
3,500 € |
241 |
'Mûres' vase, 1910 |
1,235 € |
242 |
'Mûres' vase, 1910 |
1,300 € |
244 |
'Paysage lacustre' vase, 1910-15 |
2,000 € |
247 |
'Ronces d'automne' vase, 1910-15 |
2,700 € |
248 |
Table light, 1910-15 |
2,200 € |
250 |
Miniature 'Coeur de Jeanette' bowl, c1910 |
470 € |
251 |
Miniature 'Coeur de Jeanette' bowl, c1910 |
470 € |
252 |
Miniature 'Coeur de Jeanette' bowl, c1910 |
600 € |
254 |
'Pomme d'api' jar, c1910 |
1,300 € |
256 |
'Voiliers, soleil couchant' vase, c1910 |
600 € |
258 |
Table light, c1910 |
800 € |
260 |
'Plume de Paon' table light, c1910 |
11,000 € |
265 |
'Oléandre' table light, c1910 |
1,500 € |
267 |
'Orchidées oranges (Crypripedium) et libellules' vase, 1911 |
1,400 € |
269 |
'Plaqueminier du Japon' vase, 1912 |
1,800 € |
270 |
'Monnaie du Pape' vase, 1912-13 |
1,500 € |
271 |
'Oléandre' vase, c1912 |
1,000 € |
272 |
'Anémone pulsatille' table light, 1913 |
1,400 € |
273 |
'Eucalyptus' vase, 1913 |
1,800 € |
275 |
'Magnolias' vase, 1913-14 |
2,800 € |
276 |
'Jeunesse' sculpture, c1913 |
1,200 € |
277 |
'Maternité' plaque, c1913 |
3,500 € |
278 |
Table light, c1914 |
500 € |
279 |
'Vigne, soleil couchant' ceiling light, 1915 |
3,200 € |
283 |
Footed bowl, 1919-22 |
300 € |
284 |
Tall vase, 1910-15 |
400 € |
285 |
Ceiling light with iron mounting by Edgard Brandt, c1920 |
2,500 € |
293 |
Two sconces, 1920s |
4,000 € |
294 |
Table light with mouting by Edgar Brandt, 1922-23 |
7,000 € |
295 |
'Lys tigré' vase, c1924 |
1,800 € |
297 |
'Baies' bowl, 1925-30 |
650 € |
299 |
Bowl with iron mounting by Louis Majorelle, c1925 |
680 € |
300 |
Small table light with mounting by Edgar Brandt, c1925 |
1,800 € |
302 |
Tall vase, c1930 |
500 € |
303 |
'Pétales et graines' bowl, 1922 |
3,500 € |
304 |
Flacon, 1920s |
300 € |
305 |
'Géranium' vase, c1920 |
900 € |
307 |
Vase, 1920s |
450 € |
310 |
'Etang, canards' vase, c1880 |
300 € |
311 |
Ceiling light, c1925 |
1,500 € |
312 |
Pair of appliques, c1925 |
700 € |
314 |
'Fleurs et rubans' flacon, c1867 |
750 € |
315 |
'Houblon' vase, c1880 |
2,500 € |
317 |
Emile Gallé, Nancy 'Bonheur au Nymphéa bleu' vase, 1885-89 |
19,000 € |
318 |
'Bonheur'-Vase 'Trèfle d'eau', um 1890 |
14,000 € |
320 |
'Anémones' vase, 1895-1900 |
1,500 € |
321 |
'Tempus Stellae' vase, 1895-1900 |
1,200 € |
323 |
'Lys martagon' vase, 1895-97 |
3,000 € |
324 |
Emile Gallé, Nancy 'Crocus' Vase de Tristesse |
10,000 € |
325 |
Etude - Marqueterie de Verre vase, c1898 |
2,000 € |
327 |
'Bonheur' vase, c1900 |
2,400 € |
328 |
'Volubilis' vase, 1900-02 |
1,200 € |
330 |
'Colchiques' vase, c1900 |
2,000 € |
332 |
'Orchidée' Marqueterie flacon, mounting by Wilson & Gill, London, c1900 |
5,200 € |
334 |
'Graoully' vase, c1900 |
3,200 € |
337 |
'Raisins' vase, c1900 |
1,400 € |
339 |
'Hortensias bowl, 1902-03 |
600 € |
340 |
Small 'Pervenche rempante' vase, 1902-03 |
450 € |
341 |
'Erable' footed bowl, 1902-03 |
1,000 € |
343 |
'Erable à feuilles de frène' vase, 1902-03 |
1,400 € |
344 |
'Hortensias' vase, 1902-03 |
750 € |
345 |
'Clématites' vase, 1902-03 |
1,300 € |
350 |
'Paysage lacustre', 1904-06 |
1,000 € |
353 |
'Paysage lacustre' vase, 1906-14 |
600 € |
354 |
Tall 'Lys tigré' vase, 1906-14 |
3,500 € |
355 |
'Cersisier en fleurs' vase, 1906-14 |
500 € |
359 |
'Prunelles' vase, 1906-14 |
800 € |
365 |
'Geranium' vase, 1906-14 |
1,000 € |
367 |
'Iris' vase, 1906-14 |
2,400 € |
369 |
'Paysage lacustre' vase, 1906-14 |
1,400 € |
372 |
'Cerisier en fleurs' vase, 1915-20 |
800 € |
377 |
Tall vase, 1920s |
5,000 € |
380 |
'Clématites' Soufflé vase, 1925s |
6,000 € |
381 |
Table light, c1925 |
500 € |
382 |
Japanesque bowl, c1878 |
2,000 € |
383 |
Vase, c1880 |
500 € |
385 |
'Amphitrite' perfume dispenser, 1920 |
2,000 € |
386 |
'Amphitrite' perfume dispenser, 1920 |
2,200 € |
387 |
'Plumes' vase, 1920 |
2,200 € |
389 |
Brûle-parfums 'Sirènes', 1920 |
1,500 € |
391 |
'Acanthes' vase, 1921 |
3,600 € |
392 |
'Gui No. 1' bowl, 1921 |
480 € |
394 |
'Marguerites' vase, 1923 |
2,500 € |
396 |
'Ormeaux' vase, 1926 |
500 € |
397 |
'Druide' - 'Gui de chêne' vase, 1924 |
500 € |
400 |
'Bacchantes' vase, 1927 |
3,400 € |
402 |
'Tête d'épervier' paperweight, 1928 |
1,800 € |
403 |
'Milan' vase, 1929 |
4,800 € |
404 |
'Némours' bowl, 1929 |
350 € |
406 |
'Dahlia' flacon, 1931 |
1,300 € |
408 |
'Biches' vase, 1932 |
1,000 € |
413 |
'Silènes' vase, 1938 |
2,000 € |
414 |
'Marguerites' bowl, 1941 |
700 € |
418 |
'Fleurs de pommier' vase, 1900-14 |
700 € |
424 |
'Arbres en hiver' vase, c1910 |
800 € |
426 |
'Lamartine' vase with landscape, c1910 |
600 € |
432 |
Ceiling light, c1920 |
600 € |
434 |
Ceiling light, c1920 |
700 € |
439 |
'Roses' vase, c1900 |
2,200 € |
441 |
Flacon, 1930s |
250 € |
442 |
'La dame à la rose' plate, 1930s |
1,400 € |
446 |
'Cerises' goblet, 1918-21 |
800 € |
454 |
Bowl, c1925 |
350 € |
456 |
'Paysage du Nil' vase, 1915-20 |
200 € |
457 |
'Paysage' vase, 1915-20 |
300 € |
459 |
'Gallinette' bowl, 1910 |
4,200 € |
462 |
Jardiniere, c1920 |
600 € |
463 |
'Roses' jar, 1920s |
900 € |
465 |
'Homard' paperweight, 1920s |
1,100 € |
466 |
'Caméléon' bowl, 1920s |
6,000 € |
467 |
Stationery with stag beetles, c1925 |
1,200 € |
468 |
'Capsule de pavot' lidded jar, c1925 |
1,600 € |
471 |
Pair of 'Kriegsjahr 1914-1915' goblets |
1,100 € |
473 |
Goblet, 1914 |
1,700 € |
474 |
Vase, 1897 |
1,000 € |
475 |
'Papillon' vase, c1898 |
600 € |
477 |
'Pampas' vase, 1899 |
215 € |
480 |
Asträa' vase, 1900 |
550 € |
481 |
Hatpin, 1900 |
350 € |
482 |
Asträa' vase, 1900 |
700 € |
484 |
Candlestick, 1900-05 |
300 € |
486 |
'Papillon' vase, c1900 |
400 € |
488 |
'Phänomen' ceiling light, 1901-02 |
3,800 € |
489 |
'Medici' vase, 1902 |
1,300 € |
490 |
'Medici' vase, 1902 |
1,400 € |
491 |
'Cytisus' vase, 1902 |
3,500 € |
492 |
Decorative vase, 1902 |
800 € |
495 |
'Stork' vase, 1904 |
1,300 € |
496 |
'Titania' vase, 1906 |
3,000 € |
497 |
Liquor set, 1907 |
1,900 € |
499 |
Vase, c1910 |
650 € |
500 |
Vase, 1914 |
650 € |
502 |
Bowl, c1915 |
500 € |
511 |
Bowl, c1936 |
800 € |
513 |
Two 'Meteor' wine glasses, c1900 |
300 € |
514 |
Six 'Meteor' wine glasses, c1900 |
700 € |
516 |
'Meteor' wine glass, c1900 |
280 € |
517 |
Goblet, c1903 |
600 € |
518 |
Copper-plated vase, c1900 |
300 € |
519 |
'Roses' goblet, 1905 |
750 € |
521 |
Tall vase, 1910-15 |
300 € |
524 |
Vase, 1910-15 |
400 € |
525 |
Jar, 1920s |
100 € |
528 |
Champagne glass, 1908 |
3,400 € |
529 |
Vase, 1900-10 |
250 € |
532 |
Eight liquor mugs, c1900 |
600 € |
533 |
Two sweet wine glasses, 1902 |
500 € |
534 |
Liquor glass, 1902 |
260 € |
535 |
Two champagne glasses, 1902 |
700 € |
536 |
Goblet |
5,000 € |
537 |
Goblet, c1889 |
550 € |
539 |
Vase, 1905-10 |
800 € |
543 |
'Grapes' table light, c1900 |
3,600 € |
550 |
Footed bowl, 1900-05 |
300 € |
551 |
Vase with bronze base, 1910-15 |
600 € |
552 |
Pair of candlesticks, 1915-20 |
2,400 € |
556 |
Cutlery box, c1904 |
2,800 € |
561 |
Credenza, c1905 |
2,800 € |
562 |
Dining table, c1905 |
600 € |
563 |
Console table, c1750 |
1,200 € |
565 |
'Pommiers en fleurs' side table, 1910-15 |
1,000 € |
567 |
Emile Gallé, Nancy Magazine rack, c1900 |
12,500 € |
568 |
Side table, c1900 |
3,000 € |
570 |
'Les Saisons' tables gigognes, c1900 |
3,200 € |
573 |
'Florence Nightingale' tray, 1916 |
1,000 € |
574 |
Small credenza, c1910 |
1,700 € |
575 |
Huge bedroom cabinet, c1910 |
6,000 € |
577 |
'Billet doux' lady's desk, c1900 |
9,000 € |
578 |
Collector's cabinet, c1905-10 |
3,000 € |
579 |
Armchair, c1907 |
1,000 € |
580 |
Lady's desk, c1910 |
6,000 € |
581 |
Tray, c1910 |
500 € |
582 |
Huge credenza, c1914 |
4,000 € |
583 |
Huge credenza, c1914 |
1,500 € |
585 |
Display cabinet, c1900 |
3,000 € |
593 |
Table, c1885 |
1,500 € |
595 |
Chair 'no. 6', c1859 |
850 € |
599 |
Bather, c1905 |
2,100 € |
608 |
'Carmencita', c1900 |
2,500 € |
612 |
'Comedy-Tragedy' dancer, 1920s |
5,000 € |
619 |
Dancer, c1925 |
1,400 € |
621 |
Dancer balancing on a ball, c1910 |
1,400 € |
622 |
Ice skater, 1920s |
1,000 € |
631 |
'Swan' bowl, 1960s |
2,000 € |
632 |
Elephant, 1950s |
1,300 € |
636 |
Vanitas, 1920s |
3,500 € |
639 |
Dancer, c1922 |
1,900 € |
640 |
Man, bending a bow, 1908 |
9,000 € |
641 |
Dancer with headdress, 1920s |
1,500 € |
642 |
Dancer, 1920s |
2,000 € |
643 |
Dancer, 1920s |
2,000 € |
644 |
Dancer, 1920s |
1,500 € |
645 |
Dancer, 1920s |
1,100 € |
646 |
Mantle clock, 1920s |
1,200 € |
647 |
Bowl with dancer, 1920s |
1,500 € |
650 |
Female head, c1910 |
1,000 € |
660 |
Dancer, 1920s |
2,500 € |
661 |
Pierrette, c1920 |
4,400 € |
662 |
Amor, c1920 |
1,500 € |
664 |
'Hoop Girl', c1930 |
6,300 € |
666 |
'Fisherman', 1930s |
3,000 € |
667 |
Dancer, c1930 |
1,100 € |
669 |
Lady wearing pyjamas, 1920s |
4,500 € |
671 |
'Phryne', c1907 |
1,800 € |
674 |
'Ride of the Valkyrie', 1908 |
5,000 € |
675 |
'Réveil', c1920 |
2,000 € |
679 |
Dancer, 1920s |
900 € |
681 |
'Susanna', 1920s |
350 € |
682 |
'Round Dance', 1920s |
6,000 € |
683 |
Woman wearing a fur, c1930 |
4,000 € |
686 |
Soccer player, 1920s |
500 € |
687 |
Dancer (Harald Kreuzberg) |
1,600 € |
691 |
Ballet dancer, 1921/22 |
250 € |
695 |
'Sarah Bernhardt', c1900 |
1,200 € |
702 |
Lady and Pierrot, 1920s |
350 € |
708 |
'Capriccio', 1910 |
4,200 € |
717 |
Carmen, c1914 |
5,000 € |
719 |
'Mourning Bajazzo', c1919 |
500 € |
720 |
'Pierrot, kneeling', c1920 |
600 € |
724 |
'La Soie', c1925 |
2,200 € |
725 |
Pair of 'Gitanes' bookends, 1920s |
1,100 € |
743 |
Two tea cups with saucers, c1906 |
1,000 € |
744 |
Decorative plate, 1896-98 |
1,500 € |
753 |
KPM Meissen 'Crocus' cake plate, 1896 |
850 € |
756 |
Sauceboat and six cake plates, 1903/04 |
2,500 € |
757 |
Oval platter, 1903/04 |
1,200 € |
758 |
Turreen with cover, 1903/04 |
2,100 € |
759 |
Dish, 1903/04 |
1,100 € |
760 |
Serving dish, 1903/04 |
900 € |
761 |
Turreen with spoon, 1903/04 |
2,000 € |
762 |
Six soup plates, 1903/04 |
1,400 € |
763 |
Six dining plates, 1903/04 |
1,400 € |
764 |
Chocolate pot, 1903/04 |
1,100 € |
765 |
Cup, 1903/04 |
100 € |
766 |
Mustard pot, 1903/04 |
500 € |
768 |
'Arnica' dining plate, 1906 |
440 € |
769 |
'Bows' platter, 1909 |
350 € |
770 |
'Whiplash' plate, 1903/04 |
1,000 € |
771 |
'Saxonia' Dejeuner, 1904 |
1,900 € |
778 |
Two sets 'Modern' with décor '1322', c1900 |
600 € |
787 |
'Bat' vase, c1900 |
2,500 € |
789 |
Two 'Underwater' tiles, c1905 |
1,100 € |
790 |
Decorative plate, c1900 |
460 € |
791 |
Tall vase with handles, 1877-78 |
1,000 € |
792 |
Wall jardiniere, c1878-83 |
900 € |
793 |
Bunny, prior to 1878 |
3,000 € |
794 |
Inkwell, c1880-85 |
300 € |
796 |
'Fo Dog' jar, c1880 |
800 € |
797 |
'Cocotte en papier' card holder, c1884 |
900 € |
798 |
Jardiniere, c1887 |
900 € |
799 |
Inkwell, c1890 |
950 € |
800 |
Three cups, creamer and sugar bowl, c1904 |
3,000 € |
801 |
Vase with handles, 1903 |
9,500 € |
803 |
Vase, c1928-38 |
450 € |
806 |
'Twigs' vase, c1916 |
800 € |
807 |
Jug, c1910-15 |
600 € |
809 |
'Chrysanthèmes' vase, c1905 |
1,700 € |
812 |
Table light, c1898 |
600 € |
815 |
Vase, c1900 |
300 € |
816 |
Cake platter, 1905 |
300 € |
817 |
Vase with handles, c1900 |
600 € |
830 |
'Secrecy of Letters' signet, c1900 |
800 € |
833 |
'Devil' signet, c1900 |
250 € |
836 |
'Lizard' paper knife, 1920s |
500 € |
838 |
'Foliage and berries' paper knife, c1900 |
50 € |
840 |
Paper knife, c1900 |
250 € |
846 |
Visiting card tray with beetles, 1920s |
600 € |
852 |
Lamp base, 1914 |
1,600 € |
855 |
Mirror, c1906 |
700 € |
856 |
Mocha set with tray, c1903 |
1,600 € |
857 |
Coffee- and teaset, c1903 |
2,000 € |
858 |
Jar, c1910 |
600 € |
859 |
Lamp base, c1925 |
700 € |
866 |
Wine cooler, c1935 |
650 € |
871 |
Cachepot, c1905 |
850 € |
872 |
Cigar lamp, c1904 |
550 € |
874 |
Wine jug, c1904 |
250 € |
880 |
'Bat' candlestick, 1901/02 |
1,100 € |
884 |
Mantleclock, 1902-05 |
2,600 € |
885 |
Centrepiece, 1902-05 |
600 € |
888 |
Candelabrum, 1914 |
4,500 € |
890 |
Table lamp 'Shell', c1900 |
1,300 € |
891 |
Two vases with handles, c1904 |
1,400 € |
894 |
'Rolls Royce' brandy bottle, c1960 |
800 € |
898 |
Vase with handles, c1902 |
1,500 € |
899 |
'Narcisse' decorative plate, c1898 |
900 € |
904 |
Two 'Mistletoe' sconces, c1900 |
2,600 € |
905 |
Tiny dish, 1927-30 |
650 € |
906 |
Candlestick, c1908 |
6,400 € |
918 |
Goblet, 1929 |
250 € |
919 |
Vase, c1910 |
150 € |
920 |
Jardiniere, c1912 |
1,000 € |
921 |
'Ballroom (sketch), 1903 |
300 € |
927 |
'Loie Fuller' - 'Les affiches illustrées', c1900 |
400 € |
935 |
'Putto' sketch, c1911 |
1,500 € |
938 |
Dwarf with walking stick, from 'Sneewittchen', 1912 |
400 € |
939 |
Dwarf, carrying branches, from 'Sneewittchen', 1912 |
400 € |
940 |
Dwarf with flower bouquet from 'Sneewittchen', 1912 |
400 € |
941 |
Dwarf with fruitplatter from 'Sneewittchen', 1912 |
400 € |
944 |
'Le Printemps', c1895 |
3,200 € |
954 |
'L'Aurore', 1898 |
600 € |
955 |
'Rêverie du soir', 1899 |
16,000 € |
958 |
'L'Estampe moderne', 1899 |
420 € |
959 |
'Repos de la Nuit', 1899 |
16,000 € |
993 |
'House Behrens' cutlery |
15,000 € |
998 |
Picture frame, 1911 |
550 € |
1000 |
Paper knife, c1910 |
450 € |
1001 |
Jug, c1950 |
850 € |
1002 |
Two walking sticks, c1905 |
500 € |
1004 |
Pair of figurative candlesticks, 1920s |
800 € |
1005 |
'Lola Montez' cigarette case, c1925 |
600 € |
1007 |
Sauceboat, 1949 |
200 € |
1015 |
Tiny pillbox, 1901/02 |
300 € |
1017 |
Pillbox, c1901 |
500 € |
1019 |
Coffee- and teaset, c1930 |
1,800 € |
1028 |
Fish cutlery, 1903/04 |
200 € |
1034 |
Pendant, c1910 |
3,000 € |
1035 |
Pendant and chain, c1932 |
1,400 € |
1036 |
Pendant, c1900-05 |
300 € |
1042 |
Compact with amazonite, c1940 |
1,200 € |
1043 |
'Serpents' belt buckle, 1920s |
400 € |
1044 |
Brooch, c1900 |
1,000 € |
1048 |
Pair of cufflinks, c1920 |
1,500 € |
1049 |
Pair of cufflinks, c1920 |
1,500 € |
1056 |
'Music in the evening' tapestry, 1900-01 |
1,200 € |
1058 |
Table cloth, c1904 |
650 € |
1063 |
Cat. Exposition Henry van de Velde 1863 - 1957 |
300 € |
1066 |
Loetz Böhmisches Glas |
300 € |