Carlo Scarpa
'Incamiciato' vase, 1930/31
Model No. 6038. Wide bell shape on a round, curved hollow base. H. 16.2 cm; ø 21 cm. Execution: MVM Cappellin. Thin-walled cased glass, colorless and milky white, green base; base and mouth area each with three applied threads, also on the top rim, alternating in yellow and green; applied, finely shattered gold foil, iridescent.
Estimate: 10,000 € - 15,000 €
26. March 2025 at
Exhibition catalogue Le Stanze del Vetro, La vetreria MVM Cappellin e il giovane Carlo Scarpa, Venice 2018, p. 553 (reproduction of the Cappellin catalogue and illustration of the cut of this model); cf. ibid. p. 354, illustration of a vase from the same series, comprising a total of four models, which is characterized by the hollow base and the fused threads.
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